I’m excited to post this announcement! The paperback and hardcover editions of my book, Successful Spiritual Waiting: the 7 Maxims, are now published and available to buy at Amazon!!
Stan Guthrie, former Managing Editor and Columnist for Christianity Today, provided this endorsement for me, and so this is now included on the front cover: Lee Cuesta is “obviously gifted, hard-working, and passionate about communicating through the written word.”
You can see that my book’s subtitle is “Transformative guidelines that reveal the positive perspective” … of waiting on God, or waiting for the Lord. I will give you the direct link in a second, but first I have two requests.
First, when you visit the page, I would deeply appreciate it if you purchase one of them! This will greatly assist my on-page conversion, which one tutorial explains this way:
“Amazon doesn’t just care about how many sales you’re getting but also how many sales you’re getting in proportion to the number of visits your book page is getting. This ratio is your sales conversion. If a large portion of the users who visit your page end up buying your book, then your conversion is good — and the Amazon algorithms look favorably on this.”
So in this way, you are greatly helping my marketing effort, because each sale boosts the book’s ranking higher in the search results, especially during this launch phase. You will see that the prices are very reasonable and affordable. Plus you obtain an awesome book! It’s a win-win!
To discover more about my new book, you can flip back to my previous post (April, 2022), where I included the book description that appears on its Amazon page. Of course, when you actually go to the Amazon page, you also can utilize the “Look Inside” feature. For instance, here is my book’s Table of Contents:
Maxim 1
If God doesn’t do it, it won’t get done.
Page 1
Maxim 2
I must make sure I take the order correctly.
Page 23
Maxim 3
The Four P’s are these:
Persuaded, Power, Perform, Promised.
Page 49
Maxim 4
I and my life are in Perfect Alignment at this moment.
Page 75
Maxim 5
I must recall how I walk across the boards of a pallet
while carrying a bulky crate.
Page 109
Maxim 6
I must reclaim and implement in my life
this ancient discipline.
Page 153
Maxim 7
I must not fear power, success or leadership.
Page 183
Page 225
Contact Information
Page 233
Page 239
Maxim 7 includes a section about the fear of success.
If you want me to sign it, then have it SHIPPED to me from Amazon; send me an email to let me know you are doing this, and provide me your mailing address. In the email you can mention if there’s anything special you’d like me to write when I sign it; otherwise I will compose it. And then I will ship it to you after I autograph it, probably the next day.
Also your purchase enables you to act on my second request, which is this: please post a positive review!! Right there on the Amazon page, and you will be a Verified Purchaser. As one blogger wrote:
“Good reviews prove that your book is worth reading and instill trust in your customers. When was the last time you bought a product with no reviews?”
Now that I’ve expressed my two requests, here are the links –
Here also are the Identifiers (just in case you need to enter it in the search bar)–
ISBN 9798845851901 (hardcover)
ISBN 9798433571730 (paperback)
I also created a new Author Page at Amazon. You can view it by clicking here, and from there you can go to the book page.
As soon as the eBook is available, I will post that link as well.
Of course, (I don’t need to mention this) you are welcome to purchase more than one; give it to friends and family members who may be interested; send one to influencers that you’re familiar with, or acquainted with (podcasters, pastors, book sellers, Bible study leaders, librarians, etc!).
Actually I have a third request: please notify select members of your own network about this publishing event! You can tell your friends (or contacts) who may be interested in this spiritual approach to waiting and reducing stress; send them the link to this blog post if it’s appropriate, or copy portions of it; etc., etc! (You know, it’s word-of-mouth.)
My next blog post will be the response from one reader of Successful Spiritual Waiting: the 7 Maxims, which is actually a discussion guide that he wrote for the book.